Most of us are going through a mental health struggle whether because of our jobs, our family and friends, our physical health, a relationship, or at times without an actual cause.

There are times when we cannot talk to our friends/family about the struggle we are going through because we think they might not understand. For others, just talking about it is difficult in general.

May is mental health awareness month. As She Code Africa Nairobi, we are running an article campaign to get people to talk about mental health not as a 'defect' or 'illness' but as something that most of us are going through. Our intention is to show that anyone can or could struggle with their mental health and there is no need to feel so alone.

We are running the 'Speak Up' series to show that It Is Okay Not To Be Okay. It is okay to be depressed, it is okay to have anxiety, having mental breakdowns is okay, it is okay to admit you are struggling mentally...

PLEASE NOTE: YOUR SUBMISSION IS ANONYMOUS. We do not collect your email or personal information when posting the article. So please be honest as you can. Tell the community about your mental health struggle and allow someone to learn through your story that It Is Okay Not To Be Okay.

You do not have to be a member of the She Code Africa Nairobi Community to share your story.

Link to share your story: